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Monday, December 31, 2012

Son's reaction to 'Empire Strikes Back' reveal!!!!

Son's reaction to 'Empire Strikes Back' reveal!!!! Video Clips. Duration : 0.78 Mins.

Our 4 year old, Faris, watched the Empire Strikes Back for the first time and this was his reaction to Luke finding out that Vader is his father.... -------------------------------------- Added 7th Oct 2011 - 13.29. Many thanks to those who leave nice comments and can relate to the reactions. It's 100% genuine - Faris looked at me as I told them there was a secret in The Empire Strikes Back somewhere. To those who don't like it, this was originally posted to show our family and friends so if you don't like it, that's fine; but please do not tell everyone else they are wrong for enjoying it.

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